Thursday, January 29, 2009


This or That

First Name: sarah
Middle Name: nicole
Age: 16
Birthday: june 26
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Height: 5"10
Hair Color: Red/black
Eye Color: dark brown
Piercings/Tattoos: 4 ear piercings, 2 regular ones and 2 behind those
Right/Left Handed: right handed
Food: ramen, udon, pocky, fortune cookies, and chocolate!
Color: purple
Number: 14
Animal: pandas, penguins, cardinals, and kitties.
Season: FALL!
This or That *Food*
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Coffee or Tea: Tea
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BK fo 'sho
Orange or Banana: That is a hard one........Banana!
Strawberry or Cherry: strawberry
Chicken or Steak: Steak
Cake or Pie: cake
Regular/Curly Fries: curly
Mexican/Chinese Food: it is a tie
Peanut Butter or Jelly: jelly
Snickers or Twix: twix
Fruit or Veggies: fruit
This or That *Random*
Night or Day: NIGHT!!!!
Hot or Cold: COLLLLDDD!!
Winter or Summer: WINTER!!
Dog or Cat: CAT!!!!
Horror/Comedy Movies: Comedy!
Rollercoaster or Ferriswheel: ferris wheel
Red or Blue: red and makes purple right?
Basketball or Football: neither! ew!
Black and White or Color: black and white
Democrat or Republican:*sigh*)
Bath or Shower: shower!
Sunrise or Sunset: Sunset
Pasionate Kiss or Peck: that is a hard one........i'd have to say those sweet, random pecks that come out of nowhere.
Personality or Looks: personality, but looks definitely helped....alex is so pretty And AMAZING
Shorts or Pants: pants
Early Bird or Night Owl: Night Owl
Frog or Turtle: Turtle
River or Ocean: Ocean
Hotel or Camping: Hotel
Relationship or Friends with Benefits: Relationship......i have the best one!
Salt or Pepper: salt!
Blue or Pink: pink!
North or South: North

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1 comment:

  1. Okay Sarah, I loved them all....until I saw...North or South: North..huh???? Girl, You are a Southern gal! Be proud of it...bost about it~ It's a true blessing ;)
    Hope you had a great day! Thank God it's almost Friday! Hope you have a great weekend! Blessings to you, Nancy
